Mason Jar Arrangement
Mason Jar Arrangements are packed with beautiful blooms and are ideal for gifting and for table centerpieces!
Available in 2 options;
standard; full of amazing fresh flowers
premium; full of amazing fresh flowers including premuim blooms such as lisianthus, peonies, lilies, or other premium seasonal blooms
Mason Jar arrangements are available for pickup at the Farm (Fridays and Saturdays) or the St Norbert Farmers Market (Saturdays) with at least 36 hours notice. These arrangements can be made for pickup other days, but an additional fee will be added for Sunday-Thursday pickup.
Pictures shown are examples of past bouquets and not an example of what you will recieve.
Complete colour selections are not available, but if you'd like to request a colour that will definitely be in your bouquet, please do so at checkout.
Thank you for your support!